What Others Are Saying

Maybe we’re just lucky, but we really believe we have the best clients in the world.


Spencer Houghton

With heartfelt gratitude to my editor and coach, Karen Hardin of Priority PR Group & Literary Agency, without who’s help and encouragement this work would not have been possible. You helped me finish something that had been on my mind in my heart for years.

Spencer Houghton, author of “The 60 Second Salesman"

Jennifer Kostyal

One of the biggest blessings in my walk with the Lord has been Karen Hardin taking my ministry to the next level with her talents as a publicist. She is a woman of integrity, humility and a passion to develop what God has called others in the Kingdom of God to do! Karen is such a blessing because of the many God contacts she has and her desire to promote others at a high level.

Jennifer Kostyal

Kyle Loffelmacher

Karen Hardin and Priority PR has been a valued friend and partner over the years. With her signature dedication and tenacity, Karen will help you achieve your goals.

Kyle Loffelmacher
Destiny Image Publishers

Rick & Denise Renner

Kevin & Karen Hardin are both servants in the truest sense of the word. We count it an honor to know them, to work with them and to be their friends.

Rev. Rick & Denise Renner

Greg Zoschak, A Call For Character

Getting a book published is a great experience. But, as a minister, to work with someone who has excellence in their profession and excellent spiritual insight is just a complete package. Karen Hardin did not just take on a “project,” she oversaw every step with a passion as if it were her own book. A Call for Character has been through several publishers and this was the best experience we have ever had. She made the process relaxed and easy.  She did all the heavy lifting.

We will use this company for every future project we have.  We cannot thank you enough Karen. You have restored this book with a fresh look, and we are so pleased.

Greg Zoschak
Author, A Call for Character

Dr. Jim Burkett

You have one of the best blogs with excellent insights and tips. Thank you for this weekly ministry and input

Dr. Jim Burkett
Director, Tulsa School of Apologetics

Janice Ponds

I remember when you told me two years ago that I HAD TO get on Facebook! I told you then that ‘I can’t do Facebook! I don’t have time and I don’t know what to do!’ Now I laugh; as it has definitely given me some type of traction for a platform. As a result of doing what you told me to do; I’ve at least networked with some amazing people; had radio interviews; had a “regular” spot offered to me on someone’s radio show; and I just started tweeting this week. You were a God-send related to my book. You are amazing and have been such a blessing to me.

Janice Ponds


You’re a fab agent!

Hatchette Book Group

John Admire

Karen Hardin and Priority PR Group & Literary Agency is uniquely professional, personable, and passionate about helping clients fulfill their dreams and achieve their creative potential. Karen works for you and, most important, works with you in producing results with which you are pleased and proud. She’s responsive and reliable with recommendations and advice.

Ultimately, Karen’s most distinguishing traits are her ethics, character and integrity, which equal or exceed her business acumen, skills, and expertise.

John Admire
Author and USMC Major General

Sig Cohen

I have viewed Karen Hardin’s podcast “Insider Secrets: How to Increase Your Sales, Ranking and Findability on Amazon” THREE TIMES. I keep learning something new each time. This is an invaluable resource for first-time authors, like myself, as well (I’m sure) for already published authors. Thank you, Karen.

Sig Cohen
Co-Author. “Love’s Way: Living Peacefully with Your Family as Your Parents Age.”

Michael Ringering

You’ve been one of the few resources I’ve encountered in this business that I feel has been honest, straight forward and consistent. I respect and appreciate that about you. Thanks for your help.

Michael Ringering

Kim Potter

Karen Hardin is an awesome writer and has many wonderful articles online, she is one of the people I glean much wisdom and insight from, I know you will enjoy her writings.

Kim Potter
President, A New Thing Ministries

Max Davis

When it comes to marketing, publicity, and representing her clients, Karen Hardin is a tiger. She’s not afraid to get in the ring and fight for you. All I know is that she got results for me that the big name publishers couldn’t get. Karen is definitely someone I want on my team!

Max Davis

Lisa Cherry

Karen helped turn our dream into reality. She professionally navigated our publishing projects from draft to completion with the ease that could only come with years of seasoned experience. I highly recommend Karen’s services to all those who are serious about quality book projects.

Lisa Cherry
National Speaker and Author

Mark Crow

Karen Hardin can be described in one simple phrase: a person of character.

Mark Crow

Terri Bell

You are a blessing to those who are called to write and have found it difficult to find anyone willing to share their knowledge without some gimmick or price tag attached. You are a rare gem Karen.

Terri Bell

Ron DiCianni

Karen is part of a select few who enhance the projects and mission of the people she works with. She is on a very short list of people I can say that about, and honestly mean it.

Ron DiCianni
Bestselling Artist and Author

Rick Domeier

Karen Hardin & PriorityPR Group are the real deal!

Rick Domeier

Richard Exley

Writing a book is a labor of love, but make no mistake, it is hard work. When I’m finished I want to make sure it gets into the hands of as many people as possible. Over the years I’ve worked with Karen Hardin with the release of several of my books. She has been effective in her ability to grasp the heart of my message, convey it to the media and tenacious in her efforts to put it into the spotlight. I highly recommend Karen and PriorityPR Group.

Richard Exley

Otto Thorwarth, No Ordinary Champion

My experience with Karen was fantastic. As a first time author, she helped me to develop my writing skills and gave me invaluable information to use not only on my book but to further my career in writing. She taught me how to navigate through the publishing process that I knew nothing about. I highly recommend working with her company for any of your publishing needs

Otto Thorwarth
Author, No Ordinary Champion

Where Are You in the Process?

Oh, if only writing a book happened overnight. Some are given to be dreamers, some are given to be workers, some are big-picture people and others just know how to get things done. Writers, it seems, need to be everything all in one. Blech.

The great news is that we've been around long enough that we've seen it all. So no matter where you are in the process - the dreaming stage or the "I started it and put in too much work to quit, I just don't know where to go next" stage - we are confident we'll be able to help you take that next step.

I have an idea ... but that's it. Help me!
No worries, this is exactly what we do. A wise book once reminded us to never despise small beginnings, and we'll hold your hand through the entire process. CLICK HERE.
I started writing, but I'm afraid it's not very good.
Let us be the judge of that. We'll take an objective peek at what you've already finished so far and give you our professional - but very honest - opinion. CLICK HERE.
My book is done, I just need help marketing it.
Great! Our team can help you with every aspect, from promotion ideas, organizing your own storyflow, social media, in-roads with traditional media outlets like radio and TV, setting up a website, and more. CLICK HERE.