We are happy to announce an opportunity available for PriorityPR Group & Literary Agency authors. Paladin Publishing is a new imprint we have added to help authors achieve greater distribution for their books.
The definition of Paladin is: “A leading champion of a cause.”
We feel there has never been a more important time in history than the present to get quality books out into the hands of readers that will make a significant impact into their lives and hearts.
For books that meet specific criteria for the Paladin Publishing label, we have an agreement with Christian Book Distributors (CBD) as a distributing partner for this imprint. CBD has seventeen different catalogs they print and distribute each year to a database of multi-millions of customers. The books will also be made available on their extensive website.
While Amazon is a household name and where the largest majority of book buyers go to shop does it really help? Consider most buyers often only go to Amazon because they are already looking for a specific title. They are not marketing for you, but selling to your existing clients. If your book is on Amazon via your publisher, then you have no control over that option AND hopefully your publisher is assisting in marketing efforts so that this is a good and needed venue.
However, if you are self-published or in a co-publishing contract, then Amazon is a vehicle for most authors in which are competing against themselves. Why? Because Amazon will almost always beat the price you will offer it for on your own website. So why should a customer purchase from your website (where they begin to develop relationship with you) when they can purchase your book at a discount on Amazon (which, in reality, is also you – only at a lower price and you don’t get their contact information.)

They actually help you market your book as they include it in their catalogs, which get shipped to millions of homes throughout the year. People that don’t know about your book can now find your book as they search under specific topics for items.
Paladin Publishing is continuing to work on distribution relationships with other entities to help authors, who are not under a traditional publishing contract, achieve greater audience recognition and distribution.
Paladin is NOT a full service publisher. We can assist in the packaging and development of the book and distribution opportunities. We are an imprint to help authors gain distribution into realms they cannot achieve themselves.
NOTE: Manuscripts under the Paladin Publishing label must go through an approval process of our discretion. Not all books will meet this criteria.
What Others Are Saying…
When it comes to marketing, publicity, and representing her clients, Karen Hardin is a tiger. She’s not afraid to get in the ring and fight for you. All I know is that she got results for me that the big name publishers couldn’t get. Karen is definitely someone I want on my team!
Karen is part of a select few who enhance the projects and mission of the people she works with. She is on a very short list of people I can say that about, and honestly mean it.
Karen Hardin is an awesome writer and has many wonderful articles online, she is one of the people I glean much wisdom and insight from, I know you will enjoy her writings.
Karen helped turn our dream into reality. She professionally navigated our publishing projects from draft to completion with the ease that could only come with years of seasoned experience. I highly recommend Karen’s services to all those who are serious about quality book projects.
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Writing a book takes a team. We’d love to help you get there.